Investment Bond Benchmarking Report

The Investment Bond Benchmarking Report is designed for use by product providers and licensees. The research analyses company and product performance in the Insurance and Friendly Society Investment Growth Bond markets. Format: PDF

In developing the Report, we consider the following factors:

  1. Financial Strength - Financial Strength is defined as the ability to sustain products, meet the costs of administration and marketing, and absorb unexpected contingencies. It is however an extremely difficult parameter to benchmark, due to its complexity, so consequently only a limited facet has been incorporated into this Report. Using the Capital Amount Coverage Ratio published regularly by APRA, and given current data available, it is possible to apply a Financial Strength measure to Life Companies and Friendly Societies.

  2. Funds under Management and Inflows - Funds Under Management (Market Share and 1 Year Growth Rate), together with Inflows (Market Share), form a factor which reflects each organisation’s ability to market and sell its products, retain business and grow the funds, over the most recent 12- month period.

  3. Product Package - Product Score is based on a combination of the Product Package, Accessibility of Information on the Product and any Extra Features which are above the norm.