European Monthly Insight - August 2022 Highlights

With negatively performing markets and outflows the European asset management industry declined by €291.4 billion, or 2.4% as of August 2022, to €12.0 trillion in assets.

Bond mandates recorded a second month of positive flows with flows registering at €8.7 billion. Equity mandates recorded their seventh consecutive month of net outflows of €18.3 billion, while mixed asset recorded its fourth consecutive month of outflows.

Considering product structures, Active funds net sales were -€16.1 billion, the seventh consecutive month of outflows, while passive fund net sales stayed positive at €3.0 billion. ETF net creations were back above water for the month, landing at €1.0 billion.

The European Monthly Insight highlights the latest product and distribution trends in the European fund industry. This report combines ISS MI Simfund data with expert commentary from our global team to provide an essential summary of the European funds market.