European Monthly Insight - January 2022 Highlights

Assets in the European investment fund industry decreased by €433 billion in January 2022 end the month with €12.9 trillion in assets. European AUM grew by just 0.3% in the last six months, adding €36 billion in assets during the period.

Net sales totalled €27 billion in January 2022, half of the sales tally reported in the month prior.

Equity mandates were the best-selling asset class, generating at €29.9 billion in net inflows. Mixed and alternative asset funds generated €10.1 billion and €6.2 billion, respectively, while bond mandates reported a redemption tally of €19.3 billion.

ETFs garnered €23.7 billion in net inflows followed by passively-managed mutual funds which generated €10.8 billion in net inflows. Conversely, actively-managed mutual funds reported €7.6 billion in net redemptions.