Fund Product Updates

New Product Updates

CIP launches credit strategy

CIP Asset Management (formerly Challenger Investment Partners) has launched a retail version of the CIPAM Credit Income Fund, a floating-rate, multi-sector credit strategy investing in private and public debt markets. The fund looks for monthly, not daily, liquidity.

S&P Dow Jones Indices launches blockchain and cryptocurrency index capabilities

A collaboration between S&P Dow Jones Indices and Lukka (formerly Libra), a crypto asset and data firm, is to provide a branded, customised indexing and benchmarking solution. Lukka completes the circle in terms of blockchain data complexities and traditional business requirements, useful for serving digital asset exchanges and fund administrators.

S&P DJI will use Lukka products such as the Lukka Reference Data to provide validated crypto master data and mappings that underpin trading, operations and audits. Lukka Prime is a fair market value-focused price methodology for cryptocurrency assets.